Registration & Admissions
Two-step Registration Process
Step 1: Fill-in the Registration form here
We will process the form and send you a response
Step 2: Pay fee and let us know.
We will send admission confirmation
For fees of the course of your choice, click here
Fees include: Registration fees, Course fees, Course materials, Certificate of attendance
Course Logistics
Online: Participants will receive link to online classes before commencement of the respective course. This link is only for the course participant.
Materials: Access to course materials, readings, and videos will be opened during the course. These materials are not to be shared with others. Participants will have access to materials during their assignments too.
Attendance: These courses are short, intensive. 100% attendance is expected. Exception will be made for medical reasons. The School will suggest ways to make-up a class only in case of medical emergency. As these courses are short and designed for adult learners, missing classes or assignments is not advisable. In case of absenteeism or non-completion of self-work/assignments the Applied Theatre School will not be able to take responsibility for a participant’s learning.
Certificate of Completion
The Applied Theatre School will issue a digital certificate of completion, for those who successfully complete the course as per the conditions mentioned above.
After a registration form is processed and fees are paid, there will be no refund of fees for any reasons except medical emergencies. These emergencies, if any, will have to be certified by a practising doctor. In such cases, the fees will be adjusted against another time/course/person. No refund will be possible.

Need more information?
1. See the FAQ's You may find some answers here
2. Get in touch with us
Whatsapp 7774896290
We are located in Pune, India.